How to Contact Us is committed to providing excellent customer service and friendly and open communication.
Write us a message:
We would love to hear from you. Send us a message here and we will respond as quickly as possible. Emails responses are usually faster and more detailed as we can research your questions, provide direct links to answer questions, and make sure there is no loss in the details.
Click here to send us a message
Via Phone:
We can be reached by phone but please note that the same people that pack your orders, stock the warehouse, design the website, are also the same people that answer phone calls. The plus side to this is that when you talk to a Wallplatesonline representative, they know the product inside and out, or can quickly find the answer for you by walking and actually picking up the product. The downside is that we may not be immediately available but will call you back as quickly as we can usually in 24-48 hours.